
show. Press SELECT to enter the show, or choose BACK to go back to the map.
Entering a Fashion Show: Once you’ve entered a show, you will see the Design
screen. From here you’ll prepare for the show.
1) Designing Clothes: Now you can put together your
exciting line of clothes! Press SELECT on the shirt icon
to bring up your clothing options. Use the Up arrow
to highlight the type of clothing you want to design
rst. You only need to complete one of the two themes
in any show to keep the judges happy.
Then press SELECT to open the pattern options for that
piece of clothing. Once you’ve selected the main type
(for example, a skirt can be long, knee-length or mini), additional options will
open. Use the arrow keys to scroll through each of these options and create
your own style. Remember to keep in mind the judges’ preferences as well as
the show themes while you’re designing.
2) Completing Outts: To make a complete outt, you need to choose a top,
bottom, and shoes. If you choose a jacket you need a shirt underneath. To add
accessories to your outt, select the shoe icon on the left and choose accessories
just as you created the clothes.
3) Saving Outts: When you have created an outt, the game will automatically
store it in one of the 4 hanger icons on the right. The number of outts you
need for a show varies, so these icons will show you how many outts you
need (additional icons will be grayed out). To start a new outt, highlight one
of the empty hangers and press SELECT. You can always go back and modify