960 Sr Owner’s Manual
Workout Programs
Getting Started
The unit automatically initiates a 3-minute Warm Up at the beginning of each program.
It is designed to prepare your body for an intensive workout and to reduce the possibil-
ity of injury during workout.
Note: Warm Up is skipped for the Quick Start or Manual programs.
Beginning the Program
Warm Up is active as soon as the “Start” key is pressed and a program is executed.
The Dot matrix window will scroll “WARM UP” and then display program profile. This
sequence will repeat until Warm up is finished.
During the Program
Data Display
• Once it is started, the data display window will display the default workout data
of “calories, speed & level”. Press “Select” button to switch the data displays to
“watts, distance & RPM”.
• The time will display count down from 3:00.
• The pulse display will display the heart rate if there is valid pulse detected.
• Level = L1. Press “Level Up/Down” key to adjust the level from L1- L5 only.
• “Start” key can be pressed to skip the warm up and start the program
Ending the Program
• When 3-minute duration is up or Start key is pressed, Warm Up will end and
the program will execute.
• There will be a beep sound to indicate the Warm up is over and the selected
program begins.
Getting Started
There is a 3-minute Cool Down at the end of each program. It appears as soon as a
program ends. Cool Down is designed to reduce muscle stiffness and allow your heart
rate to recover
Beginning the Program
Cool Down is active as soon as a program ends. The dot matrix window will scroll
“COOL DOWN” and then display program profile. This sequence will repeat until Cool
Down is finished.
During the Program
Data Display
• Once it is star
ted, the data display window will display the default workout data
of “calories, speed & level”. Press “Select” button to switch the data displays to
“watts, distance & RPM”.
• The time will display “3:00” and continuing down.
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