Bowflex PR1000 Home Gym User Manual

Standing Leg Kickback - Hip and Knee Extension
Muscles Worked
Gluteus Maximus
Machine Set-Up
Adjust to Flat Bench Back position.
Chest Bar pulleys
Attach the clips to the Power Rod® resistance rods.
Success Tips
Keep your chest lifted, spine aligned, abs tight and a very
slight arch in your lower back.
Do not bend from your waist or lower back.
Hold on to Lat Tower for stability.
Keep stabilizer foot on foot plate.
Leg Exercises
Leg Press
Muscles Worked
Gluteus Maximus
Machine Set-Up
Remove the bench and seat rail knob
Chest Bar pulleys
Leg Press Belt
Attach the clips to the Power Rod® resistance rods
Success Tips
Keep your chest lifted, spine aligned, abs tight and a very
slight arch in your lower back.
Bend from hip during movement, not from waist.
Owner’s Manual