XGS4700-48F User’s Guide
UDLD 296
UniDirectional Link Detection, see UDLD
untrusted ports
ARP inspection 265
DHCP snooping 262
PPPoE IA 303
user profiles 246
Vendor Specific Attribute See VSA
ventilation holes 34
VID 114, 119, 123, 124, 223
number of possible VIDs 119
priority frame 119
VID (VLAN Identifier) 119
virtual links 341
virtual links, and OSPF 331
Virtual Router
status 371
Virtual Router (VR) 369
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) 369
VLAN 110, 119, 460
acceptable frame type 127
automatic registration 120
ID 119
ingress filtering 127
introduction 110
number of VLANs 123
port number 124
port settings 126
port-based VLAN 134
port-based, all connected 137
port-based, isolation 137
port-based, wizard 137
static VLAN 124
status 123, 124
tagged 119
trunking 121, 127
111, 122
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) 110
VLAN mapping 289
activating 290
configuration 291
example 289
priority level 289
tagged 289
traffic flow 289
untagged 289
VLAN number 114
VLAN stacking 221, 223
configuration 224
example 221
frame format 223
port roles 222, 225
port-based Q-in-Q 225
priority 223
selective Q-in-Q 226
VLAN Trunking Protocol, see VTP
VLAN, protocol based, See protocol based VLAN
VLAN, subnet based, See subnet based VLANs
VRID (Virtual Router ID) 370
VRRP 369
advertisement interval 373
authentication 372
backup router 369
configuration example 375
Hello message 373
how it works 369
interface setup 371
master router 369
network example
369, 376
parameters 373
preempt mode 373, 374
priority 373, 374
status 370
uplink gateway 374
uplink status 371
Virtual Router 369
Virtual Router ID 374
VRID 370
VSA 254
VTP 296
warranty 471
note 471