Chapter 49 MAC Table
XGS4700-48F User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 164 Management > MAC Table
Condition Select All to display all MAC addresses in the MAC table.
Select Static to only display static MAC address(es) in this screen.
Select MAC and enter a valid MAC address (six hexadecimal character
pairs) to display the MAC address information in this screen.
Select VID and type a VLAN identification number to display all MAC
addresses in the VLAN.
Select Port and type the number of a port to display all MAC addresses
learned from the port.
Sort by Select this to display and arrange the data according to MAC address
(MAC), VLAN group (VID) or port number (Port). The information is then
displayed in the summary table below.
Transfer Type Select Dynamic to MAC forwarding and click Transfer to add the
relative dynamic MAC address(es) you select the criteria here into the
static MAC forwarding table (see Section 10.2 on page 139). The type of
the MAC address(es) will be changed to “static”.
Select Dynamic to MAC filtering and click Transfer to add the relative
dynamic MAC address(es) you make the search here into the static MAC
filtering table (see Section 12.1 on page 147). The MAC address(es) will
be removed from the MAC table and all traffic sent from the MAC
address(es) will be blocked by the Switch.
Search Click this to search data in the MAC table according to your input criteria.
Transfer Click this to perform the MAC address transferring you selected in the
Transfer Type field.
Cancel Click this to begin configuring the search criteria afresh.
Index This is the incoming frame index number.
MAC Address This is the MAC address of the device from which this incoming frame
VID This is the VLAN group to which this frame belongs.
Port This is the port from which the above MAC address was learned.
Type This shows whether the MAC address is dynamic (learned by the Switch)
or static (manually entered in the Static MAC Forwarding screen).