Chapter 18 Configuration
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 141 RMON Configuration: Event Config.: New
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
18.4 Alarm Config
Use this screen to configure alarms that occur when the sampled data exceeds the specified
threshold. To open this screen, right-click on the switch in the Device List Panel, and click
Configuration > RMON Configuration > Alarm Config. Then, select the switch that you
want to configure.
Table 102 RMON Configuration: Event Config.: New
Active Select Yes to enable this event. Otherwise, select No.
Type Select an event type. Choices are Log and Trap.
Select Log to generate a log when an associated alarm is generated.
Select Trap to generate a trap when an associated alarm is generated.
Select both Log and Trap to generate a log entry and trap when an associated
alarm is generated.
Community This field displays the community (or password). You can use 1-31 printable ASCII
characters. Spaces are allowed.
Description Enter a description of the event. You can use 1-127 printable ASCII characters.
Spaces are allowed. You can also leave this field blank.
Owner Enter a descriptive name of the application that creates this entry. You can use 1-31
printable ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
OK Click this to save the settings and close this screen.
Cancel Click this to discard all changes and close the screen.