Chapter 15 VLAN
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 111 VLAN Configuration: 802.1Q
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 76 VLAN Configuration: 802.1Q
Device Name This field displays the descriptive name for the device.
Device IP This field displays the IP address of the device.
VLAN ID This field displays the ID of the VLAN.
Name This field displays the name of the VLAN.
Status This field displays Active if the VLAN is active and will remain so after the next reset
of the device. This field is DynamicGVRP if the VLAN is active and will remain so
until removed by GVRP. This field is Other if the VLAN is active, but is not
permanent or created by GVRP.
Start VID Enter the first VID in the range of VLAN IDs you want to display.
End VID Enter the last VID in the range of VLAN IDs you want to display.
Numbers of
VLAN(s) per
page (Max 100)
Enter the number of VLAN IDs (between 1 and 100) you want to display at a time.
Refresh Click Refresh to update the VID list.
New Click New to create a new VLAN. You must enter a VLAN ID and a VLAN Name to
create a new VLAN. The new VLAN and name is displayed in the left-hand column
in this screen.
Delete Click on a VLAN in the left-hand column of this screen and then click the Delete
button to remove it from the VLAN template.