Chapter 18 Configuration
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 139 RMON Configuration: History Config.: New
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
18.3 Event Config
Use the Event Config screen to configure the actions that a switch takes when an alarm is
triggered. To open this screen, right-click on the switch in the Device List Panel, and click
Configuration > RMON Configuration > Event Config. Then, select the switch that you
want to configure.
Table 100 RMON Configuration: History Config.: New
Active Select Yes to enable this rule. Select No to disable this rule.
Data Source Select the port of the switch that the EMS polls for data. The probe sends data from
this port.
Interval Enter the time (in seconds) between data samplings.
Specify the number of data samplings (between 1 and 100) the network manager
requests the probe to store.
Owner Enter a descriptive name of the application that creates this entry. You can use 1-31
printable characters. Spaces are allowed.
OK Click this to save the settings and close this screen.
Cancel Click this to discard all changes and close the screen.