Chapter 24 Configuration: Multicast
GS1900 Series User’s Guide
24.2.2 The VLAN Screen
Use this screen to view the IGMP VLAN settings. Click Configuration > Multicast > IGMP >
VLAN to open this screen.
Figure 117 Configuration > Multicast > IGMP > VLAN
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Select v2 or v3 depending on the snooping version you require.
Multicast Action
Select to send the IPv4 unknown multicast frame to the router port. The following options
are available:
• Flood - select to send the frame(s) to all ports.
• Drop - select to discard the frame(s).
• Router Port - select to send the frame to router port.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes.
Table 98 Configuration > Multicast > IGMP (continued)
Table 99 Configuration > Multicast > IGMP > VLAN
Edit Click Edit to change the properties of the IGMP VLAN entry.
VLAN ID Displays the ID of a static VLAN; the valid range is between 1 and 4094.
Status Display the status of the VLAN as enabled or disabled.
Router Ports
Auto Learn
Displays the Switch learn multicast router port member status of any VLANs as enabled or
Retry Displays the number of query retry times.
Interval (sec) Displays the amount of time (in seconds) between general query messages sent by the
router connected to the upstream port.
Max. Response
Interval (sec)
Displays the amount of time (in seconds) the router connected to the upstream port waits
for a response to an IGMP general query message.
Last Member Query
Count Displays the number of queries.
Interval (sec) Displays the amount of time (in milliseconds) between the IGMP group-specific queries sent
by an upstream port when an IGMP Done message is received.