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The Visioneer Business Card Reader Software's ‘Edit’ menu includes the following options:
Choose: To:
Select All
Select all the business cards in the current
Deselect All
Undo selection of all business cards in the
current database
New Business Card
Creates an empty business card in the
existing database
Delete Business Card(s)
Delete the selected business card(s)
Edit Category
Edit, add, delete or modify existing
categories for scanned business cards
Edit Shortcuts
Edit the strings of existing shortcuts or add
new shortcut strings
Email the contents, or an image, of the
scanned business cards
The Visioneer Business Card Reader Software's ‘View’ menu includes the following options:
Choose: To:
View by Thumbnail
View all business car images
View by Details
View information of business cards in a list
Display in Uppercase
Display all the information of the business
card in uppercase letters
Enlarge Window Size
Enlarge window size
Reduce Window Size
Reduce window size