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Export to DBaseIII or CSV file
rograms that
SV(Excel/Text) file
The business card database can be exported as either a DBaseIII or CSV file then imported into p
upport those file formats (e.g. ACT!, Goldmine, MS-Excel, etc…) s
t to be exported to a DbaseIII or C1) In the ‘List’ view, select each contac
the ‘File’ menu 2) Select Export from
3) Choose either DBaseIII or CSV(Excel/Text)
4) A window will prompt to either export only selected or all business cards
5) The ‘Save File’ screen will open
6) Select a location on the hard drive to save the file
7) Name the file to be saved
a) DBaseIII files will have a ‘.dbf’ file extension
b) CSV files can be saved as either ‘.csv’ or ‘.xls’ file type (extensions)