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2) Select the fields to be searched by keyword.
a) By default, all of the fields will be selected, so the search will be for all business cards containing the
keyword in any of the fields.
orting Business Cards
orting the business cards allows the information to be viewed easily in the ‘List’ view.
der to sort alpha-numerically.
a) Click on the field header one time to sort A to Z.
any or Date (time created) by choosing one
To sort the business card
1) In the ‘List’ view, click on a field hea
b) Click on the field header a second time to re-sort Z to A.
2) Alternatively the business cards can be sorted by Name, Comp
of these three options in the ‘List’ menu.
List B
The ‘Edit’ vi name in the current database. Clicking on any one of
e records on the left side of the window shows the contact and company information for that card.
usiness Cards
ew shows all business cards listed by contact