
Directed Electronics
the siren will chirp twice. If the button is still not released, you will jump to
Advanced Features Menu #3 and the siren will chirp three times. Once you
have selected the desired menu, release the Valet/Program button and then
proceed to Step 4.
SSeelleecctt aa FFeeaattuurree..
Press and release the Valet/Program button the number of
times corresponding to the feature you wish to change. For example, to access
the second feature, press and release the button two times. Then press the
button once more and HOLD it. The siren will chirp the number of times
equal to the step you have accessed.
PPrrooggrraamm tthhee FFeeaattuurree..
While HOLDING the Valet/Program button, you can
toggle the feature on and off using the remote transmitter. For the second feature,
pressing will select the chirps ON setting and the siren will chirp 1 time.
Pressing will change the programming to the chirps OFF setting and the
siren will chirp twice. (See System Features Menus section of this guide.)
NOTE: For features with more than 2 settings pressing will toggle through
all the two-chirp settings and emit the corresponding number of chirps.
RReelleeaassee tthhee VVaalleett//PPrrooggrraamm BBuuttttoonn..
Once a feature is programmed:
Other features can be programmed within the same menu.
Another menu can be selected.
The learn routine can be exited if programming is complete.
To access another feature in the same menu:
1. Press and release the Valet/Program button the number of times necessary to advance from the
feature you just programmed to the next one you want to program.
2. Then press the Valet/Program button once more and HOLD it.
For example, if you just programmed the third feature in the menu and you would like to program
the seventh feature in the menu, you would press and release the Valet/Program button four times
and then press it once more and HOLD it. The siren would chirp seven times to confirm access to
the seventh feature.