Directed Electronics
Output that will send a signal as long as the transmission is received.
Output that will send a signal when the Channel 6 button(s) is pressed and will
continue until the same button(s) is pressed again.
LLaattcchheedd,, rreesseett wwiitthh iiggnniittiioonn::
Similar to the latched output, this type of output turns on the first
time the Channel 6 button(s) is pressed and turns off the next time the same button is pressed.
This type of output additionally stops and resets whenever the ignition is turned on and then off.
3300--sseeccoonndd ((6600,, 9900)) ttiimmeedd::
Output that will send a continuous signal for 30 seconds. The
can program from 1 to 90 seconds.
H2/5 WHITE/BLACK (-) channel 5 output
See H2/4 description.
H2/6 VIOLET/BLACK (-) channel 4 output
See H2/4 description.
H2/7 LIGHT BROWN (-) horn honk output (200mA)
This wire is a low current output (200mA) for the horn to sound. It can be programmed to sound
only during full trigger or to be used like a siren output with arm/disarm chirps. Refer to System
Features Menus #3, feature #2 in the manual for additional information.
H2/8 LIGHT GREEN/BLACK (-) factory disarm output
This wire sends a negative pulse every time the alarm is disarmed or the optional remote start is
activated. This can be used to pulse the disarm wire of the vehicle's factory anti-theft device. Use a
relay to send a (-) or (+) pulse to the disarm wire as shown in the diagrams below. This also outputs
with CH2 is activated. This function is programmable ON/OFF.
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input!
This transistorized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a
solenoid, motor, or other high-current device will cause the module to fail.
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input!
This transistorized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a
solenoid, motor, or other high-current device will cause the module to fail.
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input!
This transistorized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a
solenoid, motor, or other high-current device will cause the module to fail.