Directed Electronics
Programming Jumper
Light Flash Jumper
This jumper is used to determine the light flash output. In the (+) position, the on-board relay is
enabled and the unit will output (+)12V on the WHITE wire, H1/11. In the (-) position, the
WHITE wire, H1/11, will supply a 10 A (-) output suitable for driving factory negative parking
light relays.
NOTE: For parking light circuits that draw 10 amps or more, the jumper must be switched to a (-)
light flash output. P/N 8617 or a standard automotive SPDT relay must be used on the H1/11 light
flash output harness wire.
Bypassing Sensor Inputs
There are times when you need to temporarily bypass all sensor inputs to the unit, such as when
activating the windows or remote starting the vehicle. Anytime an auxiliary channel output is used,
sensor inputs are bypassed until 5-seconds after the output ceases. Anytime from the start of the
output until the end of the bypass period, ground can be supplied to the H1/7 BLUE wire without
triggering the unit. When the bypass period ends, if the unit sees ground on the H1/7 BLUE wire,
zones 1, 2, 4, and 7 remain bypassed until five seconds after ground is removed from the BLUE
IMPORTANT! DO NOT connect the H1/11 light flash wire to a negative vehicle light
flash wire before changing the programming jumper to the negative polarity position or
damage to vehicle light circuit may occur.