Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
MXP Technical Description
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 7-11
The status LED (LD1) on the MXP board indicates the following conditions –
Indication Condition
2 quick flashes every 2
The MXP is normal and polled by the MX4428 panel.
1 quick flash every 2
The MXP is normal apart from NOT being polled by the
MX4428 panel.
7 flashes then a pause,
Each of the 7 flashes
indicates a particular fault
is present when the flash is
long, or not present when
the flash is short.
1st flash : Device polling is stopped due to a configuration
download from the MX4428 panel.
2nd flash : One or more configured devices is not responding.
3rd flash : The MXP is not being polled by the MX4428 panel.
4th flash : The responder loop power relay has been opened
due to a short on one side of the MXP.
5th flash : The detector loop is open circuit.
6th flash : The detector loop is shorted on "left" terminals.
7th flash : The detector loop is shorted on "right" terminals.
Continuous very rapid
The MXP has just powered up. This phase should only last a
couple of seconds.