MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
Page 3-42 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Series Model Max Qty External Supply
Voltage at DIM
614P Photo Detector 25 20.0V – 28.7V
614I Ionisation Detector 38 20.0V – 28.7V
614CH Carbon Monoxide + Heat Detector 32 20.0V – 28.7V
614T Heat Type A, B, C, D 23 20.7 – 28.7V
MD614 Heat Detector 40 20.7V - 28.7V
MR614 Photo Detector 22 20.7V - 28.7V
MR614T HPO Detector 21 20.7V - 28.7V
MU614 CO Detector 40 20.7V - 28.7V
MF614 Ionisation Detector 30 20.7V - 28.7V
T614 Heat Type A, B, C, D 23 20.7V - 28.7V
4098 – 9603EA Ionisation Detector 24 20.0V - 28.7V
4098 – 9601EA Photo Detector 24 20.0V - 28.7V
4098 – 9618EA,-9619EA,-9621EA Heat
24 20.0V - 28.7V
P24B Photoelectric Detector 24 20.7V - 24.7V
P29B Photoelectric Detector 20 20.7V - 26.7V
C24B Ionisation Detector 40 20.7V - 26.7V
C29B (Ex) Ionisation Detector 40 20.7V - 26.7V
R23B Flame Detector* 20 20.7V - 24.7V
R24B Flame Detector 3 22.7V - 28.7V
DO1101 Photo Detector* 16 21.7V - 27.7V
DLO1191 Beam Detector* 1 22.7V - 28.7V
P136 Duct Sampling Unit 5 20.0V - 28.7V
T56B Heat Detector 40 20.0V - 28.7V
All above Olsen Detectors with Z52B, Z54B,
Z54B Mk2, Z56, Z500 base as appropriate
T56B Heat Detector with
Z52B, Z55B, Z56N, Z500N Base
40 20.0V - 28.7V
885WP-B Weatherproof Heat Detector
Type B *@
40 20.0V – 28.7V
- Hard Contact Devices (T54B, B111, etc) 40 20.0V - 28.7V
Hard contact devices must be rated for at least 30V and currents up to 50mA.
* Not an SSL Listed combination
@ Remote indicator output cannot be used in common with Tyco 614 series or the
Minerva M614 series (and most other Tyco/Olsen) detectors.
Table 3-4 Conventional Detector Compatibility
Parameter Description Default
Value Description
0 Short = Alarm
1 Short = Fault
P1 Normal to Alarm Threshold 51
P2 Normal to Fault Threshold 22
P3 Supply Fault Threshold 60 (this is MXP default used if
MX4428 value = 0).
On the latest revision of
DIM800, the threshold cannot
be usefully varied by changing
this parameter.
P4 Alarm to Short Threshold 225 (this is MXP default used
if MX4428 value = 0)