MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Page 1-4 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
AAR Analogue Addressable Responder.
AC Alternating Current.
ACZ Ancillary Control Zone.
ADR Advanced Detector Responder.
Analogue Loop The wiring that allows an MXP to communicate with and
supply power to the addressable devices it is to monitor.
ARR Advanced Relay (and Detector) Responder, which is an ADR
fitted with an RRM.
AVF Alarm Verification Facility, or alarm check.
AZF Alarm Zone Facility, previously referred to as "GROUP".
CO Carbon Monoxide
CV Current Value (Filtered reading from detector)
DC Direct Current.
Detector Addressable device used to detect fires that interfaces to the
MXP via the Analogue Loop. It contains one or more sensors.
EOL End of Line device.
Evacuation Device Sounder for warning of evacuation.
FIP Fire Indicator Panel, as defined by standards.
GLOBAL A function that may affect more than one zone.
HH History High - the highest value a variable has reached
HL History Low - the lowest value a variable has reached.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display (usually alphanumeric)
LED Light Emitting Diode (Visual Indicator).
MAF FIP Master Alarm Facility.
MIC X Measure of smoke density used with ionisation smoke
MPR Multi Protocol Responder.
MXP MX Protocol Responder
MCP Manual Call Point (break glass switch).
Module Addressable I/O device that interfaces to the MXP via the
Analogue Loop.
NA Not Applicable.
NC Normally Closed.
NLR Number of logical responders.
NO Normally Open.
PCB Printed Circuit Board.
Point Any addressable device (detector or module) with a unique
address that is connected to the analogue addressable loop.
PSU Power Supply Unit.
Responder A general term for all responder types, e.g. ADR, ARR, MPR,
MXP, AAR and IOR that may be connected to the MX4428
Responder Loop A 4 core cable for communication and power to all responders
connected to an MX4428 FIP.
ROR Rate of Rise.
RF Radio Frequency.
RRM Responder Relay Module.
RZDU Remote Zone Display Unit.
Sensor Part of a detector which senses the environment - smoke or
temperature or CO.
SLV Step limited (or slope limited) value.
Zone Fire searchable area of Building.