Program *11-6 – E911 Interdigital Timer
Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-9
Program *11-6 – E911 Interdigital Timer
Processor Type:
All RCTUs (Release 4.0)
Program Type:
Initialized Default:
Data, 2 seconds
Program *11-6 Overview
This program assigns the amount of time allotted for the E911 interdigital timer. When the E911
feature is enabled, the DK applies the E911 interdigital timer any time a user dials “9” as the first
digit. This applies to any type of call originated from a [DN] when you dial 9XX or 9 + 9XX. After
9 is dialed as the first digit, the DK will wait the number of seconds set in this program before
processing the dialed digit.
If “91” or “99” is dialed as the first and second digit, the system will wait the number of seconds
set in this program before processing the dialed digits. If 91X is dialed, the system will route the
call out the CAMA trunk if X=1 or it will process the call as a normal call if X=0 or 2-9.
DATA (01~15 secs.)
DATA = interdigital time delay before routing calls after
9XX (01~15 seconds).
If X=1, timer resets
If X=0, 2~9, digits are routed/sent normally