Toll Restriction
Program 45-1 – LCR/Toll Restriction Dial Plan
4-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99
● The Strata DK System automatically restricts direct dialing of 10XXX+1 and 10XXXXX+1
access codes to any station that is toll restricted. These codes are allowed in system speed dial
and LCR modified digit tables. This is necessary to control Long-Distance-Carrier access.
10XXX+0 and 10XXXXX+0 are allowed/denied depending on the station’s class and Program
46 (10~80) button/LED 01 assignment.
Pre-January 1995 North American Numbering Plan (NANP)
Plans 1~6 use numbering plans for systems that do not use the NANP established January, 1995.
DK14, DK40i, and all DK424 RCTUs provide plans 1~9.
Long Distance Prefix 1 in most areas must be the first digit dialed for long distance calling. In
such areas, the area code is dialed right away. The dial plan defines whether the prefix 1 is required
for a particular installation’s long distance calling.
Area/Office Code Numbering Schemes—In most places, the middle digit of an area code is 0 or
1, and the middle digit of an office code is 2~9. Toll Restriction examines the first three-digit
sequence dialed and determines whether it is an area code or an office code.
♦ If the middle digit is 0 or 1, then the sequence is an area code.
♦ If the middle digit does not equal 0 or 1, then the sequence is an office code, and the office
code parameters of the selected dialing plan apply.
An exception to this rule exists. In some places, area and office codes are interchangeable. The
middle digit is always 0 or 1 (see Code 3 selection). In such a case, the system only knows that
three digits dialed are an area code if 1 is dialed before them. If 1 is not dialed first, the system
knows the three digits are an office code. The dial plan defines the numbering scheme applicable
to the installation site.
Special Common Carrier Number and Digit Length - for SPCC numbers of the form 950-
XXXX, this program can allow credit card calling but will restrict the maximum number of digits
dialed to prevent defeat of Toll Restriction.
Plan 1
Older Strata DK Systems use Plan 1 for dialing plan AC+NXX/1+NNX if the installation is in a
location where a user places a long distance call to a destination outside the area code without
dialing 1 before dialing the area code. The user places a long distance call to a destination in the
same area code by dialing 1 directly before the office code.
♦ The first three digits of a ten-digit number is an area code if the middle digit is 0 or 1.
♦ Pressing the first three digits immediately after a 1 in an eight-digit string is an office code
♦ A seven-digit string starting with an office code is a local call.
Plan 2
♦ Plan 2 is 1+AC+NXX/1+NNX. Use this plan where a user places a long distance call to a
destination outside the area code by dialing a 1 before dialing the area code. The user places a
long distance call to a destination in the same area code by dialing a 1 directly before the office
♦ When using this plan, the system recognizes the following:
♦ The first three digits following a 1 in an 11-digit number are an area code, if the middle
digit is 0 or 1.
♦ The first three digits dialed immediately after a 1 in an eight-digit string is an office code.