Program *11-0 – E911/CAMA Trunk Assignments
8-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program *11-0 – E911/CAMA Trunk Assignments
Processor Type:
All RCTUs (Release 4.0)
Program Type:
Initialized Default:
all LEDs OFF
Program *11-0 Overview
This program enables E911 calls to be analyzed by the system for appropriate handling. The
following assignments in Program *11-0 must be enabled to allow Enhanced 911 (E911) CAMA
trunks to operate:
LED 11: CAMA Operation Enabled/Disabled
Led 11 must be turned ON to enable the E911 feature to operate.
LED 10~07: CAMA Trunk Circuits Enabled/Disabled
Up to four CAMA (RMCU/RCMS) trunks can be installed on Release 4.0 DK424 systems. Turn
LEDs 07-10 ON to enable the appropriate CAMA trunks (1-4). RMCU/RCMS CAMA trunk
circuit are numbered 1~4 from the bottom-up (see the front of the installed RMCU/RCMS). If only
one RCMS is to be installed, place it on the bottom position of the RCMU. The Universal Slot
PCB and Universal PCB Wiring chapters of the DK14/40/424 Installation and Maintenance
Manual provides details regarding RMCU/RCMS PCB installation and circuit numbering.
LED 03: Internal Notification of E911 Calls Enabled/Disabled
To allow Attendant consoles and station DNs to be called along with the E911 CAMA trunk when
a 911 call is made, LED 03 must be turned OFF. With this feature enabled, E911 calls will ring the
CAMA trunk plus the Incoming Emergency (
,1(UPJ) button on all Attendant consoles and the
[DN] button ([PDN] or [PhDN]) designated in Program *11-8. The designated DN must be
programmed to ring telephones in *71, *72, and *73, as required for each telephone on which the
designated [DN]appears.
11 E911 enabled E911 disabled
10 CAMA trunk 4 not used CAMA trunk 4 used
09 CAMA trunk 3 not used CAMA trunk 3 used
08 CAMA trunk 2 not used CAMA trunk 2 used
07 CAMA trunk 1 not used CAMA trunk 1 used
03 No internal notification Internal notification provided
02 CAMA trunk Control Disconnect Normal disconnect
01 Seven CESID Digits Ten CESID Digits
Light the LED Buttons that are
marked with an X in the table below.
ON=Enabled. OFF=Disabled.