initial Setup
When you first turn on or reset the TV, the Initial
Setup window will appear.
1 [)1the Menu Languagefield, press 4 or _ to
select your preferred language.
2 Press 4 or _ to select Time Zone and set your
desired time zone with 4 or _ and press @_.
3 Next, the Location setting window will appeanFor
normal home use, press "9 or _ to select Home
and press _.
4' Next, ANT/CABLEIn setup window will appear.
Press "q or _ to select the input source (Cable or
Antenna) for the ANT/CABLEinput on the TV.
5 [f you select Antenna,the ChannelTuningMode
setup window will appear. To tune only digital
channels, select DigitaJ. To tune digital channels
preferentially over analog when entering channel
number directly, select Ant0. For normal tuning,
selectStandard.Press @E_to continue to Auto
6 Press _ to select Start Scan and continue with
the Auto Ttming.
EXIT . .
You can stop the Initial Setup with O • However if
you do not finish the entire Initial Setup process, the
Initial Setup window will appear every time you turn
on the TV.
Selecting the menulan.quage
You can choose from three different languages
(English, French and Spanish) for the on-screen
display of menus and messages.
To select the menu language:
I Press © and open the Preferencesmenu,
highlight Menn Language.
Press "9 or _ to select your preferred menu
You can select TOSHIBALogo LEDeither On or Off.
Press O andopen the Setupmenu, highlight
Press "9 or _ to select either On or 0l{and press O •
Configuring the antenna input
source for the ART/CABLEterminal
To configure the ANT/CABLE input source:
Press O and open the Setnp menu.
Highlight Installationand press _.
3 (A new set of JnstaJJationmenu icons will appear,
as shown below.) Open the Terrestrialmenu,
highlight Inpnt Configuration,and press _.
4 Highlight ANT/CABLEinand press "9 or _" to
select the input source (CableorAntenna)for the
ANT/CABLEinput on the TV.
3 Press © to close the Preferencesmenu.
To save your new settings, highlight [}oneand press
_. Torevert to your original settings, highlight
Canceland press _.
40_46 55G300U EN-ASindb 80 2010/3/16 T£-05:48:42