Connectinga VCRandantenna, Cable TVor Camcorder
From CaMe TVor FromCableTV
antenna ! C_
VIDEO2 inputs
onTV rightside panel
You will need:
., coaxial cables
., standardA/V cables
- Ifyou have a mono VCR, connect L/MONO
on the TV to your VCR'saudio out terminal
using the white audio cable only
• standardaudiocables(If you have a mono VCR)
Note: When you use a Cable box, you may not
be able to use the remote control to program or
access certain features on the TX
To view the antenna or Cable signal:
Select the ANT/CABLEvideo input source on the TV.*
To view basic and premium Cable channels:
Turn OFF the VCR. Select the ANT/CABLEvideo
input source oll the TV.* Tune the TV to channel 3 or
4 (whichever channel the Cable box output is set to).
Use the Cable box controls to change channels.
To view the VCR:
Turn ON the VCR. Select the VIDEO1 video input
source on the TV.*
To view the camcorder video:
Selectthe VIDEO2 video inputsourceon the TV.*
:_-To select the video input source, press INPUTon
the remote control (t:__page 22). To program the
TV remote control to operate other devices, see
Chapter 3.
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