Learning about the remote controJ
The buttons used for operating the TV only are
described here. For a complete list of the remote
control's functions, see the remote control fmactional
key chart (_:_vpage 24),
Q CD -2
5JH G3: 6_-.
Note: The error message "NO TAVA/LABLE"
may appear if you press a key for a function
that is not available.
1 POWERturns the TV on and off. When the TV is
on, the green LED indicator on the TV front will be
2 FREEZEfreezesthe picture. Pressagain to restorethe
moving picture (r,,vpage 42).
3 SLEEPaccesses the sleep timer (_; page 56).
4 PICSiZE cycles through the picture sizes: NaturaJ,
TheaterWide1/2/3,Full,4:3HD,Hativeand Do| by Do|
(l,+_'page 39-41).
5 ChannelN,rnbers{0-9,-/100)directly tune channels.
The (_) button is used to tune digital channels (r+_'page
39) or to edit the Favorites List (_,+page 36).
6 NPUTselects the video input source (_,+page 35).
7' CH AV cycles through programmed channels when no
menu is on-screen (r+_'page 31).
8 V0L +- adjusts the volume level.
9 FAVBR0WSER accesses the Favorites List in the
Channel Browel :rxl({_ page 36).
10RECALLdisplays TV status information (r_,+page 58).
11 CHRTN returns to the last viewed channel or source
(l+_'page 39).
12 NUTE reduces or turns off the sound (r_,+page 44).
13 [NFO displays TV status information as well as program
details, when available (r+_'page 58).
14 _ "_ / _ _ While watching TV, these buttons open
the Channel Browser Ix_and tune to the previous/next
channel in the channel history (r+_'page 36). (Also see
"Arrow buttons.")
15 Arrowb,tt0ns{AT_I_,) When a menu is on-screen,
these buttons select or adjust programming menus. (Also
see c_ "_ / _'] _.)
16 ENTERactivates highlighted items in the main menu
17' NEN[J accesses the main TV menu system (_,+pages 28
and 29).
18 EXITcloses on-screen menus.
19 NODESELECTswitchswitchesbetweenTV,CABLE/
SAT, AUX 1, and AUX 2 modes (c+_'page 23). Set to
"TV" to control the TV.
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