6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 2 Installation/Preparation
2.2 Installing Bottle Kits Teledyne Isco ships the refrigerator from the factory with the
sample bottles in place. When using the sampler for the first
time, you will only need to remove the bottle lids. When
installing cleaned bottles or a new kit, keep these guidelines in
• Do not mix glass and plastic bottles together.
• Install all bottles to insure that they remain in place.
• Align the racks correctly. If the racks are misaligned, the
sampler may miss the bottle mouth, or the sampler will
deposit samples in the “wrong” bottle.
Each time you change from one size bottle to another, you must
adjust the length of the distributor arm, install a discharge tube
of the correct length, and possibly install a different distributor
shaft extension.
Each time you install a bottle kit, check the program settings for
the number of bottles and bottle volumes. Also rotate the dis-
tributor arm to each bottle position to ensure the arm is correctly
positioned over each bottle. Use the controller to move the arm.
2.2.1 Installing Racks Install the bottle rack with bottles by sliding it into the cooling
compartment until the rack drops over the two semicircular
ramps which hold it in place (Figure 2-2).
The five posts and two ramps which position the rack under the
distributor arm are adjusted at the factory. When you change
bottle kits, you may need to readjust the stops and ramps and
install a different distributor arm extension. Figures 2-3 and 2-4
show you how to install the bottle kits.
Check the kit’s alignment by rotating the distributor arm. Do
not rotate the distributor manually. Moving the arm man-
ually damages the distributor drive. If you see any mis-
alignment, adjust the posts and ramps until the discharge tube
at the end of the arm stops over each bottle.