6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 5 Extended Programming
5.18.2 Programming Style The sampler has two different styles of programming screens:
normal and quick view. These are both explained in Section 3.
When you are in extended programming, the default style is
Quick View, which allows you to move more quickly through the
If you prefer a step-by-step display for the screens, switch to the
Normal setting.
5.18.3 Measurement Interval
If using a 700 Series module or SDI-12 Sonde parameter for
enabling, the sampler will request a Measurement Interval. The
Measurement Interval allows the sampler to compare the
parameter to the enabling conditions at a rate faster than the
Data Storage interval. If the Measurement Interval is equal to or
greater than the Data Storage interval, the parameter will be
checked at the rate of Data Storage interval.
Normally, there are two considerations when selecting the Mea-
surement Interval: power consumption and duration of the
enabling event. This setting for battery powered samplers will
require some degree of balance between the need to conserve
power yet detect the enabling event before it has passed.
5.18.4 Dual Sampler Mode
Dual Sampler Mode lets you operate two samplers as a pair. The
primary sampler disables the secondary one until the primary
sampler completes its sampling program. The samplers then
reverse roles with the second sampler becoming the primary one.
Setting Up Dual Samplers –
1. Turn on the dual sampler mode in both samplers.
2. Install the samplers.
3. Connect the samplers with the Dual Sampler Mode Inter-
connect Cable by attaching the cable to the sampler’s
flow-meter connectors. If your installation includes a flow
meter or flow logger, use the Dual Sampler Mode to Flow
Meter Cable instead.
4. Decide which sampler is to be the primary sampler; the
primary sampler should be the sampler with the program
you want to run first.
5. Turn the primary sampler on and run its sampling pro-
gram by selecting RUN. After at least 5 seconds, turn the
secondary sampler on and select RUN from its main menu.
How Does It Work? – The primary sampler sends a disable
signal out its flow meter connector. The secondary sampler
receiving the signal is held disabled until the primary sampler
completes its program.
When using a flow meter or flow logger a Dual Sampler Mode to
Flow Meter cable must be used. This cable is constructed so that
the pacing instrument receives only the event marks. Therefore,
a connected flow meter will not receive a bottle number signal,
nor will it be able to control the sampler inhibit.
5 15 30 SECONDS
Dual Sampler Mode
• Select YES to put the sampler
in the dual sampler mode.
When you no longer need
dual samplers, return to this
screen to turn the feature off.