6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 1 Introduction
Command Driven Operation
• Operate sampler functions using RS-232 communications.
Warning Messages
• Pump Tube Warning. The 6712FR displays a warning to inspect the tube.
• Internal Battery Warning. From the Maintenance screen, the 6712FR displays a
warning when it is time to replace the internal battery. The internal battery
preserves stored data when the 6712FR is without external power.
Optional Dialout Modem The 6712 controller can be ordered with a factory-installed 2400 baud dialout
modem. With the modem you can:
• connect to the sampler and download data using Flowlink software.
• program the sampler to call a contact list when an “alarm” condition exists.
• use the Remote Commands to control the sampler’s operation from a remote
On-Line Help Notes When programming the sampler, press the [?] (Help) key for a brief help note. All
help topics appear in the index.
Two Programming Levels Standard programming lets you set up typical sampling programs quickly.
Extended programming includes all features available in standard programming
plus additional features.
Sample Delivery System Features
Peristaltic Pump
• Benefits: Liquid moves continuously under pumped flow. The pump has no
metering chambers or gravity fed internal tubing to trap sediment or residual
liquid. Sample liquid contacts only the strainer, suction line, tube coupling,
pump tube, bulkhead fitting, and sample bottles.
LD90 Liquid Detector
• Non wetted Detection: Sample liquid never touches the detector.
Two Line Purges in Sampling
The sampling cycle always includes a pre-sample purge and post-sample purge
that clears the suction line of residual liquid.
Easy Grab Samples Simply disconnect the pump tube from the bulkhead fitting on the center section,
and place the pump tube over your sample container.
Vinyl and PTFE
Suction Lines
/8-inch ID (Inside Diameter) vinyl line.
/8-inch ID PTFE lined with polyethylene jacket.
Standard Programming Features
• Uniform Time Pacing: Sampling at regular time intervals.
• Flow Pacing: Sampling at regular flow-volume intervals.
Distribution Methods
• Composite: Samples deposited in a single large bottle.
• Sequential: Only one sample placed in each bottle.
• Samples Per Bottle: Multiple samples placed in each bottle.
• Bottles Per Sample: One sample deposited in multiple bottles.
Three Flexible
Start-Time Settings
• Start Immediately: Starts the sampling program immediately.
• Delayed Start: Starts the sampling program after a user-definable delay of 1 to
999 minutes.
• Clock Time: Starts the sampling program at a user-definable time on one or
more days of the week.
Table 1-1 6712FR Sampler Features (Continued)