Command Descriptions
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
A one dimensional <channel_spec> consists of a single ASCII-encoded decimal
integer. The value of a one dimensional <channel_spec> can be determined from
a three dimensional <channel_spec> by using the following formula:
((section - 1) × 64) + ((row - 1) × 16) + column
where variables “section”, “row”, and “column” are section, row and column
numbers specified in a three dimensional <channel_spec>.
For example, the channel spec 3!10!2 specifies the relay that connects row 3 to
column 10 in section 2. The equivalent one dimensional <channel_spec> is equal
to ((2–1) × 64) + ((3–1) × 16) + 10 = 106.
[ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list>,
This command opens the relays specified in the <channel_list> portion of this
In this example, the Option 01 is installed on a VX4380 Module. Two additional
VX4380 Modules are installed in consecutive slots to the right of the first
VX4380. The default module names for these three modules are m1, m2, and
m3. These module names may be altered with the [ROUTe:]MODule[:DEFine]
Command Response
route:open:dwell m1,.1 Assign a open dwell time of 0.1 seconds to the first VX4380.
route:open:dwell m2,.2 Assign a open dwell time of 0.2 seconds to the second
route:open:dwell m3,.5 Assign a open dwell time of 0.5 seconds to the third VX4380.
route:open (@m1(1:10)) Open the relays that connect row 1 to columns 1 through 10 in
section 1 of the first VX4380, then wait 0.1 seconds.
Open the relay that connects row 2 to column 9 in section 3
and the relay that connects row 1 to column 16 of section 1 of
the second VX4380, then wait 0.2 seconds.
open (@m1(1!1!2),
Open the relay that connects row 1 to column 1 in section 2 of
each of the VX4380 modules, then wait 0.5 seconds.
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