Command Syntax
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
The following are examples of valid <channel_list>s for Tektronix VX4320,
VX4330, VX4350, VX4372, VX4374, and VX4380 relay modules. In these
examples it is assumed that the Option 01 is installed on a VX4320 Module. A
VX4330, VX4350, VX4372, VX4374, and VX4380 are installed in consecutive
slots to the right of the VX4320. The default module names for the VX4320,
VX4330, VX4350, VX4372, VX4374 and VX4380 in this example are m1, m2,
m3, m4, m5, and m6 respectively. These module names may be overridden by
specifying new module names with the [ROUTe:]MODule[DEFine] command. It
is also assumed in these examples that all sections on the VX4330 Module have
been configured as 10-to-1 4-wire scanners.
<channel_list> Channels Specified
(@m1(1!2)) Channel number 1 of section 2 on the VX4320 Module.
(@m1(4!1,3!8)) Channel number 4 in section 1 and relay number 3 in section 8
of the VX4320 Module.
(@m1(4!1:4!8)) Channel number 4 in sections 1 through 8 on the VX4320
Channel number 4 in sections 1 through 8 on the VX4320
(@m2(1!6)) Channel 1 in section 6 of the VX4330 Module.
(@m2(1!1:10!6)) All channels on the VX4330 Module in the following order: 1!1,
1!2, 1!3, 1!4, 1!5, 1!6, 2!1, 2!2, 2!3, 2!4, 2!5, 2!6, ... , 10!1,
10!2, 10!3, 10!4, 10!5, 10!6.
(@m2(1!3:10!3)) All 10 channels in section 3 of the VX4330.
(@m3(1:64)) All 64 channels on the VX4350
Channels 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, and 20 through 13 on the VX4350.
(@m4(1!2)) Channel 1 in section 2 of the VX4372.
(@m5(3!1)) Channel 3 in section 1 of the VX4374.
(@m6(1!13!3)) The channel that connects row 1 to column 13 in section 3 of
the VX4380.
(@m6(65)) The channel that connects row 1 to column 1 in section 2 of
the VX4380.
(@m6(1!1!2)) Same as the previous example.
(@m6(1:16)) The channels that connect columns 1 through 16 to row 1 in
section 1 of the VX4380.
(@m6(1!1!1:1!16!1)) Same as the previous example.
(@m6(1!1!1:2!3!4)) Channels 1!1!1, 1!1!2, 1!1!3, 1!1!4, 1!2!1, 1!2!2, 1!2!3, 1!2!4,
1!3!1, 1!3!2, 1!3!3, 1!3!4, 2!1!1, 2!1!2, 2!1!3, 2!1!4, 2!2!1,
2!2!2, 2!2!3, 2!2!4, 2!3!1, 2!3!2, 2!3!3, 2!3!4 on the VX4380