Command Syntax
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
ure or [ROUTe:]CLOSe:MODE command. The following are examples of valid
For commands directed to a VX4330 which has six scanner sections:
<section_list> Sections Specified
(1:6) Sections 1 through 6
(1,2,3) Sections 1, 2 and 3
(1:3,5:6) Sections 1 through 3 and 5 and 6
(1:3,5,6) Same as previous example
(3) Section 3
For commands directed to a VX4372 or VX4374 which has two scanner
<section_list> Sections Specified
(1) Section 1
(1,2) Sections 1 and 2
(1:2) Sections 1 and 2
error/event queue. When the command parser detects a syntax error or data range
error, it places an error message describing the error in the Error/Event queue.
Bit 2 of the Status Byte Register is set to indicate that this queue is not empty.
Bit 5 of the Standard Event Status Register (the Command Error bit) is set if the
parser detects a syntax error. Bit 4 of the Standard Event Status register (the
Execution Error bit) is set if the parser detects a numeric argument that is out of
range. When a SYSTem:ERRor? query is received, an error message is dequeued
from the Error/Event queue and placed in the Output queue.