TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
This chapter describes in detail how to perform the operating tasks you must do
to measure, test, process, or save and document your waveforms. It leads with
three sections on the fundamental tasks of acquiring, stably displaying, and
taking measurements on waveforms:
H Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms
H Triggering on Waveforms
H Measuring Waveforms
Once you have acquired and measured waveforms, you may want to save and
restore them or the control setups used to acquire and measure them. Or you may
want to save the display screen, complete with waveform and setup information,
to include them with the documents you produce with your desk top publishing
system. You may even want to digitally process them (add, multiply, or divide
them; integrate, differentiate or take an FFT of them). The following two topics
cover these tasks:
H Saving Waveforms and Setups
H Using Features for Advanced Applications
When performing any operation task, you might want to display a comprehen-
sive listing of its current control settings on screen. Or you may find it handy to
display operating information about front panel controls and menus instead of
looking them up in this manual. The following topic tells you how to do both:
H Determining Status and Accessing Help
The topics just listed contain steps that you perform to accomplish the task that
the topic defines. You should read Conventions on page xii of Preface before
reading about these tasks.
Each topic just listed comprises more basic operation tasks and topics. A list of
these tasks follows.