TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Product Description
The Tektronix TDS Oscilloscope is a superb tool for acquiring, displaying, and
measuring waveforms. Its performance addresses the needs of both benchtop lab
and portable applications with the following features:
H A maximum sample rate of up to 5 GS/s per channel, depending on the
model (see Table 1–1 Key Features and Differences of by Models)
H A analog bandwidth of 1 GHz or 500 MHz, depending on the model (see
Table 1–1)
H Records lengths up to 50 K standard and 500 K with Option 1M and up to
8 M with Option 2M, depending on the model (see Table 1–1)
H Four channel or 2 + 2 channel operation, depending on model. (Two plus
Two channel operation allows two of four channels to be displayed
simultaneously.) All channels have 8-bit resolution. (See Table 1–1.)
H Trigger modes include edge, logic, and pulse. Video trigger modes, available
with option 05 only, include NTSC, SECAM, PAL, HDTV, and FlexFor-
matT. Available with option 2C only, 28 Communications trigger modes
(see Table 3–8 on page 3–103).
H Dual Window Zoom, which shows a waveform magnified and unmagnified
on the same display
H Sample, envelope, average, high res, peak-detect and InstaVuT acquisition
mode, which updates the display at rates rivaling the fastest analog oscillo-
scopes (see Table 1–1 for models and modes available)