TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Positive width
A timing measurement of the distance (time) between two amplitude
points — rising-edge MidRef (default 50%) and falling-edge MidRef (default
50%) — on a positive pulse.
The specified portion of the waveform record that contains data acquired
after the trigger event.
The specified portion of the waveform record that contains data acquired
before the trigger event.
An oscilloscope input device.
The process of converting an analog input that has been sampled, such as a
voltage, to a digital value.
Probe compensation
Adjustment that improves low-frequency response of a probe.
Pulse trigger
A trigger mode in which triggering occurs if the oscilloscope finds a pulse,
of the specified polarity, with a width between, or optionally outside, the
user-specified lower and upper time limits.
Real-time sampling
A sampling mode where the oscilloscope samples fast enough to completely
fill a waveform record from a single trigger event. Use real-time sampling to
capture single-shot or transient events.
Record length
The specified number of samples in a waveform.
Reference memory
Memory in a oscilloscope used to store waveforms or settings. You can use
that waveform data later for processing. The oscilloscope saves the data even
when the oscilloscope is turned off or unplugged.