
Waveform Programming Language
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
In a waveform expression, the data length of the file created and the clock
information are determined as follows.
If <outputĆsignalĆname> is a marker:
If the output file does not already exist, an error will occur. Attributes such
as the data length (output file size) and clock information are unchanged.
The analog data section does not change. Neither the size or the close
variable value is used. If the waveform expression includes a <signal-name>,
then a file shorter than the output file would cause an error. If the input file is
longer in this case, the data around the tail will not be used.
If <outputĆsignalĆname> is analog data:
A new file is always created without using the output file. Since the same
file name may be specified for the input, the new file is tentatively created
under another file name; then renamed.
All output file marker values will be 0. The output file data length and clock
information will be as indicated on the screen.
If the waveform expression includes one or more <signalĆname>s:
The output waveform length will equal to that of the shortest waveforms
included in the <waveform-expression>. The clock information will match
the one appearing first (that is, the one coded at the leftmost) out of those
used in the waveform expression.
If the waveform expression includes no <signalĆname>:
The output waveform length depends on the size variable value. The clock
value depends on the clock variable value.