
The Setup Menu Screen
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
NOTE. If you try to load a nonsetup file, you will get an error message.
CAUTION. Bus contentions or collisions may result if shared setup files exists on
multiple instruments using one GPIB or bus or one Ethernet subnet. GPIB
address and IP addresses are saved and restored with a setup file.
Waveform, Pattern and Sequence Waveform Output
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator waveforms can be output by selecting a
waveform, pattern, or sequence file on the Setup menu screen and loading it into
the waveform memory.
You may set the run and trigger modes and the output parameters such as the
clock frequency, amplitude, offset an so on. Then, push the RUN and CH1 OUT
buttons on the front panel to output the waveforms in the waveform memory. A
procedure to output the waveform is outlined below:
1. Push SETUP (front)!Waveform/Sequence (bottom)!Load... (side).
Specify the file you want to output.
2. Push Run Mode (bottom)!Set the run mode in the side menu.
3. Push Trigger (bottom)!Set the trigger parameter in the side menu.
4. Push Vertical (bottom)!Set the vertical axis parameters, such as the
amplitude, in the side menu.
5. Push Horizontal (bottom)!Set the horizontal axis parameters such as the
clock frequency in the side menu.
6. Push the RUN and OUTPUT buttons on the front panel.
Create and edit
waveform and
pattern sequence
Load waveform
and pattern
Set output
Push RUN and
OUTPUT buttons
Set run and
Figure 3-3: Waveform output sequence example