
The Graphical Waveform Editor
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Figure 3-10: Digital Filter dialog box
Table 3-17: Digital filter dialog box parameters
Parameters Descriptions
Type Selects the filter type. You can select LPF (low pass filter), HPF (high
pass filter), BPF (band pass filter), or BRF (band rejection filter).
Taps Specifies the number of taps (odd number, 3 to 101).
Cutoff Specifies the cutoff frequency. If you selected BPF or BRF, you must
specify the upper and lower bandpass limits.
Att Specifies the attenuation of the inhibited bands (21 to 100, in dB
Do the following steps to digitally filter a waveform:
1. If more than one window is open, select the source waveform as follows:
Push Window (bottom)!Window1, Window2, or Window3 (side).
2. Push Tools (bottom)!Digital Filter... (pop-up)!OK (side).
The Digital Filter dialog box appears.
3. Select the second waveform in the Type field.
4. Specify the number of taps in the Taps field.
5. Specify the cutoff frequency in the Cutoff field.
6. Specify the attenuation of the inhibited band in the Att field.
7. Push the OK side button to generate a waveform by applying the active
waveform to the digital filter.