Section 2 — Installation
Status Terminal Connections
The Status Terminal connector on the rear of the control panel allows the
connection of a VT-100 (type) terminal to be connected to the Model 2200.
The terminal is used to monitor system status and for maintenance
1. Connect a cable between the input of a VT-100 (type) terminal and J3
(Status Terminal connector) on the rear of the control panel. The
connector (J3) on the rear of the control panel is a standard RS-232
configuration via a DB-25 connector with the following pin-outs:
■ Pin 1 — Protective Ground
■ Pin 2 — TxD (From the Terminal)
■ Pin 3 — RxD (To the Terminal)
■ Pin 7 — Signal Ground
2. Ensure that the baud rate and other parameters of the Model 2200 given
below match the baud rate of the terminal. See the Owner’s Manual of
the terminal in use to determine or set the baud rate of the terminal.
Also be sure the terminal is set to “Newline Off” or “No Newline”.
■ 9600 baud
■ 8 data bits
■ 1 stop bit
■ No parity
Analog Reference Connection
Connect an analog signal such as color black or any other stable analog
signal to either J5 or J6, ANALOG REF IN, on the Com I/O Module in Slot
C10. Terminate any unused BNC connectors.