Switcher Module Description
Chroma Keyer Carrier Module (064807)
There are two slots for Chroma Keyer options, one for M/E 1 and the other
for M/E 2. Each module and its mezzanine can create two chroma keys and
key fills (one for each keyer in the M/E) from any primary input or chroma
key input. The chroma key and key fill are sent to the Keyer Module where
they are selected and handled the same as a luminance key.
The Chroma Keyer:
■ Creates a chroma key and shaped fill for Key 1 of the M/E from any
primary or chroma key video input
■ Does all of the timing and control for the Chroma Keyer Mezzanine
The input signals are serial digital. Signals are converted to parallel on the
carrier module and sent either to the chroma key circuit (Key 1) or the
mezzanine module (Key 2).
The input signals for each Key Carrier Module are:
■ Any of the primary inputs (key and/or fill)
■ And/or either of the chroma key inputs (key only)
Each of the Chroma Keyer Modules creates:
■ Chroma key
■ Video shaped by the chroma key
The Chroma Keyer outputs are sent to the Keyer Carrier Module and the
Keyer Mezzanine Module. The chroma key uses the linear key on the keyer