Section 2 — Installation
Look Ahead Preview Option
The Look Ahead Preview option consists of two identical mezzanine
modules which mount on the two Mix/Wipe Modules: M/E 1 (Slot A7)
and the M/E 2 (Slot A12) next to the Primary Wipe Mezzanines as shown
in Figure 2-15.
To install the modules, carefully remove the Mix/Wipe Modules from the
frame. Place them on a static free surface.
1. Line up the six 50-pin connectors on the Look-ahead Preview
mezzanine with the matching connectors on the Mix/Wipe Module. Be
sure the pins are lined up properly before seating the mezzanine (look
between the mezzanine and the main module). Check that no pins are
bent or outside of the connectors. Push down firmly to seat the
mezzanine to the module.
2. From the solder side of the Mix/Wipe Module, attach the mezzanine to
the module, and install the screws into the metal spacers on the
3. Carefully reinstall the Mix/Wipe Module in its proper location. Refer
to the Menu Setup information at the end of this section for
configuration details.
Timed Aux Output Option
The Timed Aux Output option provides three timed aux output pairs
(video or key) from Aux Buses 3A through 5B. The outputs are autotimed
on the module to match the Program output. If the optional Framestore is
installed, the Timed Aux Output option consists of the Timed Aux Output
Module with the Timed Aux Mezzanine mounted on it. If the optional
Framestore is not installed, the Timed Aux Control Module must also be
Install the Timed Aux Output Module in Slots C16 and 17. To install the
Timed Aux Output Module follow the steps below:
1. Remove the blank plates, if installed, in locations C16 and 17. Install the
Aux Output Module into Slot C17. Pull the metal ejectors towards each
other to seat the module. Screw in the two screws at either end of the
front metal plate with a screwdriver.
2. Either the Optional Framestore or the Timed Aux Control Module must
be installed in slot A17. The Framestore Module contains the control
circuitry for the Aux Output Module so if it is installed, the installation
is now complete. If the Framestore Module is not installed, install the
Timed Aux Control Module in slot A17.
3. Refer to the Cable Connections portion next in this section for Aux bus
connection instructions.