P 300STD/FZY/PRO Scanner Product Reference Guide
Timeout Between Decodes
This parameter is available on the P 300PRO only.
Timeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol is used in scan stand mode to prevent the beeper
from continuously beeping when a symbol is left in the scanner’s field of view. It is
programmable in 0.1 second increments from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. The recommended interval
is 0.6 seconds.
Timeout Between Decodes, Different Symbols is used in scan stand mode to prevent the
beeper from beeping when a different symbol appears in the scanner’s field of view before the
timeout period between decodes has expired. This is programmable in 0.1 second increments
from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. The recommended value is 0.0 seconds.
Select the timeouts between decodes for the same or different symbols.
1. Scan the option bar code you wish to set.
2. Scan two bar codes on the next page which correspond to the desired interval, in 0.1
second increments.
3. If you make an error, or wish to change your selection, scan CANCEL.
Timeout Between Decodes -
The Same Symbol
Timeout Between Decodes -
Different Symbols