CHARACTER SET Those characters available for encodation in a particular bar
code symbology.
CHECK DIGIT A digit used to verify a correct symbol decode. The scanner
inserts the decoded data into an arithmetic formula and
checks that the resulting number matches the encoded check
digit. Check digits are required for UPC and Code 128 but
are optional for other symbologies. Using check digits
decreases the chance of substitution errors when a symbol is
CLUSTER One of three subsets of mututally exclusive codeword
definitions within PDF417.
CODABAR A discrete self-checking code with a character set consisting
of start/stop characters (A B C D or * T N E), digits 0 to 9,
and these additional characters: ( - $ : / , +).
CODE Set of unambiguous rules specifying the way in which data
may be represented.
CODEWORD In PDF417, a single group of bars and spaces (4 bars and 4
spaces, for a total of 17 module widths) which represents one
or more numbers, letters, or other symbols.
Within a PDF417 symbol, the percentage of codewords
which decoded successfully; the number of good codewords
divided by the total number of codewords (data codewords
plus error correction codewords).
CODE LENGTH Number of data characters in a bar code between the start
and stop characters, not including those characters.
CODE 128 A high density symbology which allows the interface
controller to encode all 128 ASCII characters without adding
extra symbol elements.
CODE 3 OF 9 (CODE 39) A versatile and widely used alphanumeric bar code
symbology with a set of 43 character types, including all
uppercase letters, numerals from 0 to 9, and 7 special
characters (- . / + % $ and space). The code name is derived
from the fact that 3 of 9 elements representing a character are
wide, while the remaining 6 are narrow.