
Chapter 2
Programming the Scanner
The P 300 Series scanner can be programmed to perform various functions, or activate
different features. This chapter describes each feature and provides the programming bar
codes necessary for selecting these features for your scanner. Before programming, follow the
setup instructions in Chapter 1,
Getting Started
The P 300 Series scanner is shipped with the default settings shown in Table 2-1. You can
change these default values by scanning the appropriate bar codes included in this chapter.
These new values replace the standard default values in memory and are preserved even when
the scanner is powered down. The default parameter values can be recalled by scanning the
Set All Defaults
bar code on page 2-9.
Even if the default parameters suit your needs, you must still select a terminal type. The
scanner automatically identifies the host type on power-up. It makes this determination
provided the host is powered-up before the scanner is attached to it. You must then select the
appropriate terminal type for that host.
The following table lists the defaults for all parameters. If you wish to change any option,
scan the appropriate bar code(s). Several of the bar code parameters apply only to the
P300FZY, and others apply only to the P300PRO. This is noted in the parameter menus.