
TABLE 6–14 Mappingof Directory Proxy Server 5 ServerLoadConguration Attributes toDirectory Proxy
Server 6 Resource Limits Properties
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute DirectoryProxyServer6Property
ids-proxy-con-dn-exact target-dns
ids-proxy-con-dn-regexp target-dn-regular-expressions
ids-proxy-con-ava target-attr-value-assertions
ids-proxy-con-forbidden-return To hide a subset ofattributes:
To hide anentire entry:
ids-proxy-con-permitted-return rule-action:show-attributes
LDAP Server Property
In Directory Proxy Server 5, the ids-proxy-sch-LDAPServer property is used to dene the
backend LDAP servers to which Directory Proxy Server sends requests. In Directory Proxy
Server 6.0, this functionality is achieved by using LDAP data sources. You can set properties for
LDAP data sources by using the Directory Service Control Center or by using the command
line. For more information, see “Creating and Conguring LDAP Data Sources” in Sun Java
System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide.
In Iplanet Directory Access Router 5.0 (IDAR) these conguration attributes are stored under
Directory Proxy Server 5.2, these conguration attributes are stored under
The following table maps the attributes of the ids-proxy-sch-LDAPServer object class to the
corresponding data source properties in Directory Proxy Server 6.0. Data sources provide
additional functionality that was not provided in Directory Proxy Server 5. Not all data source
properties are listed here. For a list of all the properties that can be congured for a data source,
run the following command:
$ dpconf help-properties | grep ldap-data-source
Mappingthe Properties Conguration
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide March200798