
The global Directory Proxy Server 5 conguration is specied by two object classes:
ids-proxy-sch-LDAPProxy. Contains the name of the Directory Proxy Server server and
the DN of the global conguration object.
ids-proxy-sch-GlobalConguration. Contains various global conguration attributes.
Because of the way in which Directory Proxy Server 6.0 is congured, Directory Proxy Server
6.0 has no equivalent for the ids-proxy-sch-LDAPProxy object class or its attributes.
In Iplanet Directory Access Router 5.0 (IDAR) these conguration attributes are stored under
ids-proxy-con-Config-Name=name,ou=global,ou=pd2,ou=iDAR,o=services. In Directory
Proxy Server 5.2, these conguration attributes are stored under
The functionality of the ids-proxy-sch-GlobalConfiguration is provided as properties of
various elements in Directory Proxy Server 6.0. The following table maps the attributes of the
ids-proxy-sch-GlobalConfiguration object class to the corresponding properties in
Directory Proxy Server 6.0.
TABLE 6–1 Mappingof Version 5 Global Conguration Attributesto 6.0 Properties
DirectoryProxyServer5Attribute DirectoryProxyServer6.0Property
ids-proxy-con-Config-Name No equivalent
Directory Proxy Server6.0 has two listeners, anon-secure listener and a
secure listener. Theversion 5 listen conguration attributes canbe mapped
to the followingfour listener properties. To congure listenerproperties,
use the dpconf commandas follows:
$ dpconf set-ldap-listener-prop PROPERTY
$ dpconf set-ldaps-listener-prop PROPERTY
For moreinformation, see “Conguring Listeners Between Clients and
Directory Proxy Server”in Sun JavaSystem Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Administration Guide.
ids-proxy-con-listen-port listen-port
ids-proxy-con-listen-host listen-address
ids-proxy-con-listen-backlog max-connection-queue-size
ids-proxy-con-ldaps-port listen-port(property of the ldaps-listener)
Mappingthe GlobalConguration
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide March200784