
Architectural Changes in Directory Server 6.0
This chapter describes the architectural changes in Directory Server 6.0 that aect migration
from a previous version. For information on all changes and bug xes in Directory Server 6.0,
see “What’s New at a Glance” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
Evaluation Guide.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Changes in the Administration Framework” on page 69
“Changes to ACIs” on page 70
“Command Line Changes” on page 71
“Changes to the Console” on page 74
“New Password Policy” on page 74
“Changes to Plug-Ins” on page 77
“Changes to the Installed Product Layout” on page 78
Changes in the Administration Framework
Directory Server 6.0 does not include an administration server, as in previous versions. Servers
are now registered in the Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) and can be administered
remotely by using the web-based GUI or the command-line tools.
To migrate to the new administration framework, you need to do the following:
Upgrade each server individually
Register each server in the DSCC
Removal of the ServerRoot Directory
In the new administration model, a Directory Server instance is no longer tied to a ServerRoot.
Each Directory Server instance is a standalone directory that can be manipulated in the same
manner as an ordinary standalone directory.