
Catalog Manager
This chapter describes how to administer the Catalog Manager. Following are some
of the responsibilities of the Catalog Manager administrator:
Managing Content
Accepting or rejecting content submitted by developers
Creating and managing categories
Creating and managing MIME types
Publishing content
Managing Devices
Adding new devices supported by your network
Deleting devices no longer supported
Adding, editing, and removing characteristics and capabilities of devices
Creating and managing device libraries
Creating and managing descriptor templates
Managing Accounts
Creating and managing Vending Manager Accounts
Creating and managing Developer Accounts
Creating and managing Catalog Manager Administrator Accounts
Managing Plans
Creating and managing Vending Plans
Creating and managing and Developer Plans and Profiles
Managing Content
The Content section of the Catalog Manager displays content submitted by
developers and published. The Categories section enables you to create custom
catalogs of content. The MIME Types section enables you to define the types of
content that you want the Content Delivery Server to manage.