
This glossary defines the terms and acronyms used in the context of this guide.
Accounts The individuals who have access to the Sun Java System Content Delivery
. Four types of accounts are available: Developer Accounts, Vending
Manager Accounts, Subscriber Accounts, and Administrator Accounts.
Active Content Stocked content that is available to the Vending Manager and to subscribers.
The Vending Manager administrator can change the status of content that is
Administrator Person responsible for administration of the Catalog Manager or Vending
Manager component of the Content Delivery Server.
Accounts Accounts for individuals who administer the Catalog Manager or the Vending
Manager. Administrator Accounts can be disabled when you no longer want
an individual accessing the Catalog Manager or the Vending Manager.
Applications Executable content submitted to the
Content Delivery Server.
Billing Model A billing type, either prepaid or postpaid, in the billing system supported by
the Content Delivery Server.
In the prepaid billing model, the billing system is contacted for authorization
before a subscriber is permitted to purchase and download content. For
postpaid billing models, the billing system receives purchase information after
the transaction occurs. See Pricing Model.
Bundled Content
A collection of related files (for example, an application and any associated
audio, video, or image files). Bundled content is created and managed by
the Vending Manager.
Campaign A collection of attributes for promoting or selling content. The Vending
Manager can create marketing campaigns.