
Index 261
pricing models
defined, 26
Every Download, 27, 54
First Download, 27, 54
Free, 27, 54
Per Interval, 27, 54
Per Period, 27, 54
Per Subscription, 27, 54
Per Use, 27, 54
setting, 34
Trial, 27, 54
pricing options, 29
creating, 35
disassociating, 30
editing, 37
required, 29
adding, 115
deleting, 118
editing, 117
properties, 115
viewing, 114
promotional campaign, 185
catalog manager administrator account, 104
content descriptor template, 76
developer account, 101
developer plan, 119
device, 89
device library, 70
published, 140
stocked, 209
submitted, 48
MIME type, 32
profiles, 115
published content, 137
stocked content, 208
subscriber plan, 216
vending manager account, 97
vending plan, 108
published content, 50
changing status, 50
deleting, 50
denied, 50
managing, 134
properties, 137
searching, 137
setting price per category, 66
testing, 50
refunds, 215
remotely hosted copyrighted content, 21
reports, 10, 223
retail price, 207
server locales, see locales, 92
software capabilities, 235
state, submitted content, 44
changing, 157
subscriber license, 214
status of content, 136
stocked content, 157
editing, 159
properties, 208
searching, 156
setting price per category, 170
stocking individual content items, 142
stocking multiple content items, 144
unstocking, 158
updating, 162
updating the catalog, 152
stocking jobs
checking status, 151
clearing, 150
status of, 149, 151
status of content items, 152
stopping, 150
viewing, 149
stocking options, 141
submitted content
changing the status, 50
Deleted, 50
Denied, 50
editing, 52
managing, 44
New, 44
Pending, 44, 50
Published, 50
searching, 49
state, 44
Testing, 50