
Configuring LAN/WiFi
Rev 3.0D May.10 31
Figure 7-2: ACEmanager: LAN/WiFi - WIFI
Note: WiFi Default has Shared WEP as an option in the Security Encryption Type field,
while WiFi 2, WiFi 3, and WiFi 4 does not have Shared WEP as an option.
Shared WEP
WEP or Wireless Encryption Protocol is the least secure, but most supported
encryption method.
Command Description
Enable Wireless
Access Point
WI-Fi on or Wi-fi off. Allows you to disable or enable the Wi-Fi access point. If you are using
the Helix in an environment where security or safety require that you disable Wi-Fi, you can
turn Wi-Fi off here. The WAN and Ethernet LAN connections will remain active.
SSID/Network Name The default network name is 'helix'.
Hide SSID Hide or Show. This determines whether the SSID will be broadcasted by the Helix. Hiding
the SSID will not prevent people from connecting to the box if the signal is open.
Wireless Mode G-only or Mixed. By default, the Mixed mode option provides the greatest compatibility with
802.11b and 802.11g devices. To create a pure 802.11g network, select the G-Only mode.
Wi-Fi Channel 1-11. The Wi-Fi access point on the Helix can use any of 11 channels. If other Wi-Fi
networks are in range and operating on nearby channels, you may be able to avoid
interference by changing to a different Wi-Fi channel.
Security Encryption
Open, WEP, WPA. The Helix box supports Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi
Protected Access/802.11i (WPA and WPA2 Personal and Enterprise). Both protocols will
restrict access to the Helix box and protect data transmitted between the clients and the
device. WPA provides the highest level of security if all of the LAN devices on your network
support this protocol. WPA Enterprise is the follow on wireless security method to WPA that
provides stronger data protection for multiple users and large managed networks. It
prevents unauthorized network access by verifying network users through an
authentication server.