
AirLink Helix User Guide
20 2140847
WAN/cellular status indicates specific information about the cellular connection
including IP address and how much data has been used.
Figure 5-2: ACEmanager: Status - WAN/Cellular
Table 5-1: Status: Home
Command Description
Backhaul mode WAN backhaul mode : cellular, failover, passthrough.
Phone Number This is the phone number that is programmed in to your device.
Current WAN IP
This can be the IP address of the cellular modem, if it is being used or the IP address of
WAN port if WAN Failover has switched to the Ethernet connection.
Network State Not Connected or Connected. Current state of the cellular radio.
RSSI Signal strength of the cellular signal. The lower the number, the better the signal strength.
The exact numbers vary between cellular carriers. However, -40dBm means Helix has a
significantly stronger coverage area than when it is -70dBm.
Network Operator Indicates the network the modem is currently on.
Network Service Type The type of service being used by the modem, for example EV-DO Rev A or HSPA.
ALEOS Software
Software version of the ALEOS build.
Channel The current active CDMA/GSM channel number.
Modem Name Name of the modem.
Command Description
Cellular IP Address Cellular WAN IP Address.
Ethernet IP Address Ethernet IP Address. This is present in WAN failover mode only.
WAN Link WAN Link defaults to cellular. In WAN failover mode this can be either cellular or Ethernet.
ESN/EID/IMEA The cellular radio module's unique identification number or electronic serial number (ESN
or IMEA).